Our History

The history of Cisa Trading began in 1996 with the creation of Comvix Trading. In 1998 Comvix negotiated with Coimex Trading a capital share merger, including client portfolios and import operations. Thus Cisa Trading was born, with Comvix Trading and Coimex Trading each having a 50% stake.

In 2008, Antonio Pargana, the president of Cisa Trading and one of the main shareholders of Comvix, acquired a 20% stake of Cisa Trading from Coimex. Today Cisa Trading's shareholders are Comvix Trading (50%), CoimexPar, (30%), and Antonio Pargana, (20%).


Minas Gerais

Rua Aparecido Morbidelli, 107 | Sala B
CEP 37.640-000 | Bairro da Bela Vista | Extrema | MG

Santa Catarina

Rua Gil Stein Ferreira, 357 | 1º andar | Salas 105 e 106
CEP.: 88.301-210 | Centro | Itajaí | SC

Telefone: (47) 3349.9323

São Paulo

Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 1.830
8º andar | Torres I, II, III e IV
CEP.: 04543-900 | Itaim Bibi | São Paulo | SP

Telefone: (11) 3707.2800 | Fax (11) 3707.2800

Rio de Janeiro

Av. Rio Branco, 45 | 25º andar | Sala 2514
CEP: 20090-033 | Centro | Rio de Janeiro | RJ

Telefone: (21) 2283.2648 | Fax: (21) 2283.2648

Rio de Janeiro (Macaé)

Estrada da Pedreira Jundia, 50
CEP 27.925-530 | Bairro Imboassica | Macaé | RJ

Telefone: (22) 3311-5606 | Fax: (22) 3311-5606

Espírito Santo

Av. Nossa Senhora da Penha, 699 - 9º andar | Torre A | Sala 916
CEP 29.055-131 | Bairro Santa Lucia | Vítória | ES

Telefone: (27) 3322.0060 | Fax: (27) 3222.8655


Rua Mário da Costa Monteiro, 17 | 2º andar | Sala 204
CEP: 55.590-000 | Ipojuca | Pernambuco | PE

Cisa in numbers

Check out our 2017 numbers:

R$6 BI

in turnover

R$2 BI

in taxes collected

162 mil

items billed

17 mil

invoices issued

11 mil

D.I.'s issued

58 mil

bills of sale issued


Cisa Trading is an important concern for your business with. We seek to always act with the law, in an ethical and transparent way, supported by our values ​​- Attitude of Owner, Competence, Commitment, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Ethics, Customer Focus, Innovation and Sense of urgency.

Based on Values ​​and the Code of Ethics, which define the principles that are present in their companies and their respective employees, this is the tool that presents a compliance program committed to a research culture of Compliance, maintaining the commitment to Ethics between companies and third parties, guaranteeing risk mitigation for the company.

The program builds on the pillars of the US government in its pursuit of the law, as well as internal principles and norms:

| Risk assessment
| Training and Communication
| Monitoring, Audits and Ethics Channel
| Due Diligence of Third Parties 

Know our Codes and Policies:

| Code of Ethics
| Code of Service Providers
| Anti-corruption policy
| Offer and Receipt Policy for Gifts, Travel and Entertainment

Cisa Trading provides a channel for its clients and third parties with an application of the principles and rules of conduct, communicating reports of violations, doubts and suggestions. Through in-house training and negotiations, a Cisa Trading is that all your subordinates are familiar with the principles of compliance and how they can report violations.

Call 0800 601 8661 or go to www.contatoseguro.com.br

Social Responsability

Commitment to the environment, society and its individuals is also part of the Cisa Trading philosophy. Thus, the company is highly engaged in social actions involving culture, the environment, health and education.

  • Complies with Brazilian and foreign legislation, does not use child labor or services characterized as “forced labor”, and does not do business with companies that use this type of work.
  • Promotes a safe and healthy working environment complying with Internal Commission for Accident Prevention (CIPA) standards.
  • Promotes an annual Health Week.
  • Supports volunteer projects aimed at training young entrepreneurs.
  • Sponsors cultural projects aimed at the development, expansion and dissemination of culture to the population.